I. Scope of Application
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III. No Waiver
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IV. Applicable Law
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V. General Information
An effective and accessible technical means for detecting input or typing errors is for example the “zoom” function of your browser. Please make sure that what you enter matches with what you want to enter. Please always ask yourself when entering something whether the wanted content and the entered content match. In case of uncertainties please cancel the process. If you make a mistake, please correct your entry. If you have any questions, you can always contact us. We are happy to assist you in detecting and correcting input or typing errors.
„Consumer information
According to this information obligation we want to inform you that an online platform of the European Commission for the out-of-court online dispute resolution (ODR platform) is available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
Our e-mail address is: contact[at] budchronicle.com
Name of Service Provider:
Bud Chronicle
Susanville, CA
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VI. Final Provisions
If any provision of our General Terms of Use shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, or any portion thereof, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and the remainder of our General Terms of Use shall continue to be in full force and effect. Void or ineffective provisions shall be replaced by the respective statutory provisions.
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